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Welcome to Ormantine USA, Ltd.

Ormantine USA is amongst the market leaders in the preparation, supply and analysis of diffusion tube environmental monitors. Our success has been built on providing a flexible and cost effective service that tailors the application capabilities of the monitors to exact customer requirements with added service of accurate and timely analysis – The Ultimate Solution for Environmental Monitoring. Over the past two decades, the continuous development of our variety of diffusive samplers has enabled the application range to widen considerably. Our options cover: External ambient air, indoor ambient air, contaminated soils, occupational hygiene and workplace monitoring, plus the analysis of contaminated groundwater. The technical knowledge acquired during the development phases enable us to provide a comprehensive technical back-up service, combined with customer driven quality objectives, provide an ongoing path to excellence in all that Ormantine USA sets to achieve.

Ormantine USA has become a world leader in the manufacture and supply of Peristaltic Pump Tubes. Initially we supplied systems and spares for the Technicon AA continuous flow market. As time moved on we further developed our extrusion and tubing manufacturing capabilities. We now work with many pump manufacturers and companies developing solutions for systems requiring high quality tubing. We pride ourselves on our customer service and endeavor to provide a fully comprehensive range of products creating long-term customer satisfaction.

Ormantine USA, Ltd. | Environmental Monitoring Division | Peristaltic Pump Tubing Division